Look what came in the mail!


In the mailbox this morning was one of those great offers from Highlights Magazine, for a series featuring world travel. I always enjoyed reading (and coloring in) these magazines as a kid (*ahem adult*). And it will be exciting to share these moments with my little ones.
Of course the magazines are developmentally inappropriate for Monkey Nose right now, but the package included these stickers! What amazing timing! It almost seems like the people over at Highlights were reading my blog.
Well, almost 😉

Breaking News!

On Father’s Day, (June 16, 2013) Busy Papa and I announced to our family that


We are currently 4 months along, due at the end of November (after Thanksgiving), and feeling great, although a little stretched out!

We will be announcing “boy or girl” as soon as we find out, and may even ask some input on names, especially considering how long Monkey Nose went without a name 🙂

Thanks for sharing in this special time with us!

We are eternally blessed, and looking forward with great excitement to all that this new adventure will have in store. And, hey, maybe I won’t be quite so bored anymore…

(p.s. – photo credit, because I’m not that creative. http://healthycoconutblog.com/2012/10/29/baby-announcement-our-little-pumpkin/)

Put the book away!

Monkey Nose loves to read books. Fortunately, I have lots of picture books and board books from my years of teaching preschool. One of her favorite games is to “read” all the books in the basket and then put them back, singing “put the book away” over and over again.

Today, her game is to bring a book from the playroom to the bedroom for me to read. Then she “puts the book away”,  and gets another one.

We have read ALL the books in the playroom. Yay!


Don’t worry! No one is hurt 🙂

I just broke my glasses. Or rather, my sister’s small dog, who follows me like a shadow, stepped on them. They snapped right where the bridge meets the lense frame, totally unrepairable! So, it’s time for a trip to the eye doctor. It’s sad, though, because I’ve had those glasses for 6 1/2 years. We were good together.

Oh, well. Guess I’ll have to upgrade to contacts!

Every cloud has a silver lining 😉